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Factory For Architectural Rendering Services India - Navy museum Concept Design-Italy2 – Infinite

Integrating four distinct cultural institutions for the city: a 1200-seat Grand Theatre; a 500-seat Multifunctional Hall, a Science Centre; and an Art Museum, each venue within the centre incorporates unique characteristics to create the most engaging visitor experiences, yet all are united by a coherent formal and structural logic that spans 170 meters wide from east to west and 270 meters long from north to south. Arranged symmetrically, the two larger and two smaller venues are connected by a central plaza that serves as a shared external foyer to each of the four cultural institutions. Glazed walls facing this courtyard enable visitors to determine the individuality and character of each venue. The Grand Theatre and Art Museum are very light in their materiality, while the Multifunctional Hall and Science Center have a much darker palette of materials. Echoing the chevron patterns of migratory birds flying in formation over southern China, the latticed steel canopies over each venue are configured through repetition, symmetry and scale variation; resulting in a composition of related elements that respond to the different functional requirements of each building. Every building-module of the roof is self-supporting and self-stabilising. The repetition of the modules optimises pre-fabrication, pre-assembly and the use of modular construction.

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